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Hér höldum við utan um greinar, viðtöl og aðra umfjöllunum sem tengist PayAnalytics og launaumræðunni almennt. Efnið á þessari síðu birtist á ýmsum tungumálum. Einnig er hægt að fylgjast með PayAnalytics á Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram og Facebook eða fá sent reglulegt fréttabréf í tölvupósti.

Can Pay Gap Analysis be the driver of equal opportunities in the workplace?

The unjustified pay gap between men and women is still present, and it seems that it will not go away without some focused efforts. Although countless studies and reports show that the gap is there, many still do not believe it impacts their own organisation. The EU Commission is increasingly communicating that the issue must be addressed. Some countries have begun the journey and have insights to share. Data analysis to determine the gap and structured implementation of measures to close the gap is increasingly used.

Dr Margrét Vilborg Bjarnadóttir will participate in this important event on the 29 June.

Viðurkenningarathöfn vegna alþjóðlegrar jafnlaunavottunar

Þann 17. mars nk. verða í fyrsta sinn í sögunni veitt verðlaun fyrir árangur í alþjóðlegri jafnlaunavottun, Universal Fair Pay Check. Þessi alþjóðlega vottun felur í sér að árangur í jafnlaunamálum er borinn saman á samræmdan hátt milli fyrirtækja í ólíkum löndum.

Companies in Spain are now obligated to take action to ensure equal pay for work of equal value

Companies in Spain are now obligated to take action to ensure equal pay for work of equal value. DireACTIVAS, one of our partners in Spain, wrote an article (in Spanish) on the new legislation and the potential impact it will have on equality in Spain. We are happy to assist Spanish companies in fulfilling the requirements of the new legislation - and our solution is of course also in Spanish!

Margrét Bjarnadóttir will participate in a Reykjavik Global Forum 2020 digital session

Come and join us virtually for a conversation about equal pay: the fast changing legislation around the world, the role of analysis and data driven decision support, the equal pay journey and key levers to drive change - all packed into 90 minutes.

Margrét Bjarnadóttir from PayAnalytics will participate in a Reykjavik Global Forum 2020 digital session on Wednesday 11th November 09:30 UTC.

The name of the event is A Fair Diagnosis: It’s time to close the wage gap - FPI Lab and you can register using the registration link below.

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